Hey friends! I’m Kendra
I’m here to make fun out of mom life and put reluctant homemakers back in the driver’s seat of motherhood through realistic routines and practical mindset shifts.
Hey friends! I’m Kendra
I’m here to make fun out of mom life and put reluctant homemakers back in the driver’s seat of motherhood through realistic routines and practical mindset shifts.
Join the 5000+ mamas who are conquering the chaos and cultivating a home they love on their own terms with the help of this globally-praised online course.
Homemaking doesn't have to be an icky, antiquated word or activity. It can simply be what it is: making your home. Making it joyful. Making it inviting. Making it fit your unique lifestyle, for your unique family.
This program is packed with 12+ modules of value-driven lessons covering goals, time ownership, cleaning routines, speed and deep cleaning, organizing, prioritizing, meal planning and setting your family up for success.
Give moms from all backgrounds and in all seasons a place to feel valued and respected without judgement or mommy martyrdom.
There is no one single way to make your home or live your life, and here at Mother Like a Boss™, we’re passionate about empowering you with the tools to manage and make your home with confidence (and with the help of everyone else in the house, too.)
Most importantly, our mission is to help moms (re)discover their worth outside of what they get done each day or being “just a mom.”
You’re worthy of love and understanding. You’re worthy of the investment of time and money into yourself. You’re worthy of a community to lifts you up.
Take a look below and explore one of my courses created to give you back control over your mom life and off the carousel of stress.