Your Best Mom Year 5 Day Challenge 

DAY 1: Your ta-da list

Alright, mamas!

You know what today is. It's day 1 of the Your Best Mom Year challenge and I'm jumping out of my seat. Really, I'm calling it a party because a challenge seems really cumbersome and boring. A party is fun and you don't even have to get dressed to join.

Today is all about starting off this challenge on a positive note. This is what I call your ta-da list.

We're really familiar with the old to-do list. We're drowning in them most days. But how often do you stop and take stock of all that you've accomplished in a day, a week, a month, a year? Not often.

We're conditioned to see what we haven't done and still need to do before anything else. Meanwhile, we're shining in so many ways that we just don't acknowledge enough.

I'm here to tell you that if you want to truly improve your life and achieve goals, big and small, you're going to have to get used to measuring how far you've come.

Having a "can't do" attitude won't get you very far, a harsh truth we don't want to believe.

When you celebrate yourself even for the smallest of wins, you put yourself into a mindset of abundance and creation, to limit and failure.

Your assignment today is to create your ta-da list from 2019. How long can you make it? How many things can you come up with? What is coming up for you when you dig into this? Why does it feel difficult for you?

Here's an example of my own ta-da list from last year to get you going:

  • I finished another awesome Girl Scouting season and we are closer to our financial goal

  • The podcast hit 1 million downloads in August, at the 18 month mark!

  • I created more space in my schedule for myself

  • We took two family vacations and had a blast!

  • I invested in a mastermind that I've been eyeing for years. It was on my vision board and now it's in my life.

Remember, this is not bragging. We need to stop that thought you've been indoctrinated into. Bragging comes from a place of LOW self-confidence and having to be better than others to feel good. This has nothing to do with anyone else, this is about YOU.

Want to hear me talk you through the day's instruction and get some extra support and encouragement? Click here!

Day 2: The “Oops, I did it again” list

Hey beautiful friend,

It's day 2 and we're channeling our inner Britney. Yep, today is the "Oops, I did it again" list. No, we're not going to be doing any choreography. Instead, we're going to take an honest look at some of the habits we've created that we know aren't serving us, but we just can't seem to break away from.

This isn't an excuse list. This isn't a list of things we're trying to punish ourselves for. We're not here for that. Instead, this is a simple list of things we know we could change to help us get to our best selves and reach the goals we’ve set (or want to set)

Here's an example:

If your resolution was to do pilates every morning, but you continually “forget” to set your alarm, or sleep in instead, or neglect to leave your workout clothes out the night before, or stay up until 2am playing Candy Crush…oops, I did it again.

We're great excuse makers for ourselves (let's stop lying to ourselves about that first and foremost), and these subtle habits are a part of a larger sabotage. We can't change what we don't acknowledge and this is your chance to honestly acknowledge them.

Want to hear me talk you through the day's instruction and get some extra support and encouragement? Click here.

Day 3: Your Big Vision

Hi friend,

We're at the midway point. How are you feeling? Remember, this challenge is supposed to be FUN. Your best mom year doesn't have to be drudgery. 15 minutes is all you need to make a dent with these exercises.

Day 3 is big, as in big vision.

There is a lot of daily minutia that comes with being a mom, being an adult really. It's pretty easy to let an entire year or two, or ten, go by without noticing, wondering where you are and how you got there. How does that happen? Because most of us lack a bigger vision.

Your vision isn't a pipe dream and it isn't fantasy. It's the way you want your life to look or in this case, your year.

I cannot stress this enough: Do not get caught up in the mindset that you a) don't even know what your big vision is, so this is pointless, or b) don't think your worthy of it. Both of those are sabotages. Let your mind wander. No one is grading you on this. This is your chance to think big, think small, think anything.

The real issue with the way goal-setting is done is that is focuses too heavily on action and not enough on intention and mindset. This is your chance to get out of the "do do do do do" mindset and focus on what your vision looks like.

If you want some amazing examples and support through today's prompt, click here.

Day 4: Be-Do-Have List

Alright alright! We're on day 4 already. You're awesome and making big progress already.

This is one of my absolute favorite exercises and I'm thrilled to share it with you today.

Many years ago, I heard someone talk about creating a "be, do, have" list for you list as a way to really solidify your goals.

The main objective here is to list out what you want to HAVE, what you need to DO to get what you want to have and decide who you need to BE to get what you want to have.

We've really been indoctrinated to believe that once we HAVE the thing, we will BECOME the person that has that thing. Wrong. It's in fact the other way around. The moment I realized that I was saying I wanted one thing while still acting like a person who didn't have that thing was the moment I was able to start changing my thinking.

Instead of constantly asking what I need to do to achieve my goals, I instead ask who I need to be.

Here's an example to get you started:

Let's go with the marathon example because it's super tangible for everyone to understand.

HAVE: I want to have a marathon race under my belt by the beginning of this year.
DO: Find a marathon to run, work backwards to decide my training schedule, say no to other obligations, buy new running shoes, wake up 30 minutes earlier each day
BE: In order to DO the things to HAVE the marathon as the end result, I need to BE a person who doesn't make excuses. I need to be a person who asks for help, who says no, who sets better boundaries, who wakes up earlier, who doesn't talk badly about her body, who fuels with delicious foods

Working backwards from HAVE can help you to see who you need to BE, but don't get it mistaken. The BE comes first. You need to BE that person first. You can't run the marathon and then become disciplined. You can't create the best morning routine for your family and then become more consistent.

Want to hear me talk you through the day's instruction and get some extra support and encouragement? Click here.

Day 5: Yes please, no thanks

WOW! Day 5 already. Can we just take a collective moment and talk about how proud I am of your progress? More importantly, you should be impressed with yourself. Go you!

It's our last day together and it's all about saying yes and no, to the right things.

Your best mom year (and life!) is going to require you to step up and say yes to things that will move you forward and no to things that will hold you back.

Seems simple enough, right?

Ya, we all know that there is always that nagging feeling of guilt, worry and anxiety that holds us back here. We're going to push through that.

You goals are going to require you to shift how you show up each day, little by little. That means you'll have to start saying yes to things you've never done and saying no to the things that you're comfortable with, but aren't serving your highest self.

As always, I'm dishing out some serious support and giving concrete examples in today's video so you can get started the right way. Just click here.